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What Does A Ceramic Coating Do?

You may wash your car and get it waxed on a regular basis. Despite all your effort to protect its lustrous look, chips, stains, scratches and swell-locks will inexorably appear. Above all, dirt, grime, and water spots also begin clinging to your car’s surface. Fortunately, our ceramic coating provides a great protective barrier against all aggressive elements and keeps your car looking its best without the need for too much maintenance.

How Is Ceramic Coating Applied?

Washing & Cleaning:

If your car’s surface has dirt and other debris, the ceramic coating will not properly stick to it, so we start by giving your car a thorough cleaning. First, we will wash your car with soap and water, which helps removing all the dirt, dust and bird droppings. Following this, we will clean the car using clay bar or car shampoo to remove small debris and other contaminants that are still left on the car.

Paint Touch-up & Polish:

If your car has any chips or scratches, we will fix them before applying the ceramic coating. A ceramic coating can only protect the current paint job, but can’t fix any paint flaws. After correcting the paint flaws, we will give your car a complete polish as it can make ceramic coating look as good as possible.

Application of Ceramic Coating:

Before applying the ceramic coating, we will park your car in a covered area to keep it out of the sun and protect it from dust, dirt and grime. Once done with ceramic coating, we will apply the silica spray to make your car looking glossier and prevent water spots from forming.

Curing Time:

At Supa Tint, we recommend you to leave the car in the garage for one or two days to give the coating a chance to adhere to the surface. Also, we insist our customers not to drive the car for about two to three weeks, until the coating cures.

If you would like to protect the paint job and look of your car, call 0411 450 424 and get in touch with us today. Let’s provide ceramic coating and keep your car looking beautiful for many more years to come.