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Car window tinting is a popular choice for many vehicle owners in Melbourne. It offers various benefits such as privacy, heat reduction, and protection from harmful UV rays. However, it’s essential to know the regulations regarding window tint darkness to avoid any legal issues. If it’s the first time you’re getting car tinting for your vehicle, it’s best to hire a professional window tint installer like Supatint for they know the tint laws and provide you with the right one. In this blog, we will discuss the restrictions on car window tint darkness in Melbourne.

Understanding the Regulations

In Melbourne, the regulations for car window tint darkness are outlined by the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017. According to these rules, the darkness of the window tint is measured by Visible Light Transmission (VLT), which indicates the amount of visible light that passes through the window. The lower the VLT percentage, the darker the tint.

Front Windshield Tints

The front windshield in Melbourne must have a VLT of at least 35%. This means that no more than 35% of visible light can be blocked by the tint. It ensures that drivers have clear visibility of the road and surrounding environment, particularly during nighttime or low-light conditions. It’s essential to comply with this regulation to avoid penalties or fines.

Front Side Window Tints

For front side windows (driver and passenger windows), the VLT must be at least 35%. This regulation allows a sufficient amount of light to enter the vehicle, promoting visibility for drivers and ensuring the safety of both the occupants and other road users. It’s important to note that exceeding the allowed darkness limit for front-side windows can result in penalties.

Rear Side Windows and Rear Windshield Tints

Unlike front side windows and the front windshield, there are no specific VLT requirements for rear side windows and rear windshields in Melbourne. Vehicle owners have more flexibility in choosing the darkness level for these windows. However, it’s advisable to maintain a reasonable level of visibility to ensure safe driving and to avoid potential issues with law enforcement.

When considering window tinting for your car in Melbourne, it’s crucial to comply with the regulations set by the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017. The front windshield and front side windows must have a VLT of at least 35%. Rear side windows and the rear windshield have more flexibility, but it’s still important to maintain reasonable visibility. By adhering to these regulations, you can enjoy the benefits of window tinting while ensuring your safety and avoiding legal consequences.

For car window tinting in Melbourne, call Supatint at 0411 450 424 today.