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When it comes to getting your car windows tinted, installing poor or illegal dark tints can put your safety at risk, and may incur hefty fines for the misuse of applying dark tints to your vehicle. So, how do you know your car window tint is legal? Well, getting your car window tints done by industry leaders in car window tinting like Supatint can ensure your window tints are clean, smooth, and legal. In today’s blog, let’s help you with how to check if the window tint applied on your car windows is legal and safe.  Let’s explore.

Ask The Technician

Window tinting specialists are highly knowledgeable and aware of what tints are legal in your state, region, or suburb. They will recommend the best car window tint that suits your vehicle and ensure it is legal as well. They know each window panel requires a different level of tint and accordingly install the tints.

Know The VLT Reading

VLT is nothing but visible light transmission, i.e. the amount of light that passes through the tint film and gets absorbed. When the VLT is higher, the tint appears to be lighter. Generally, 35% VLT is the recommended limit that is legal in all states and territories. It is the best darkest VLT for your car’s front side windows and it would suit most driving conditions. However, the readings will be different for side mirrors and rear mirrors.

Check With The Local Jurisdiction Law

Ask any window tint installer or check the local tint laws before getting your vehicle tinted.  If you approach reliable window tint installers like Supatint, they can guide you to the right solution. Otherwise don’t risk yourself by getting a fine or potentially nullifying your insurance by not following the legal tint law.

If you want to ensure that your car window tints are legal and of high quality, get them installed by our experts from Supatint. We have expert window tint installers who can check and install the legal maximum window tints that are suitable for your vehicle. To know more about our car window tints or car window tinting prices in Melbourne, call 0411 450 424 today.